Three days left to register for our workshop “Reverse Innovation: Rethinking Urban Transport through Global Learning” on 18th of September 2017 in Berlin

Our dialogue event “Reverse Innovation: Rethinking Urban Transport through Global Learning” is coming closer: On the 18th of September the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) are jointly hosting the international event.

In the context of the European Mobility Week (September 18th to 22nd 2017) the event aims at discussing innovative urban mobility developments from developing and emerging countries and their potential application for German cities. Thus, we offer a forum for exchange between cities, institutions and companies.

You can expect interesting presentations i.a. from Egypt (Founder of Carpooling App Raye7), from Indonesia (SVP Business Intelligence of Go-Jek) and from India (Co-Founder SafetiPin App).

More information on the agenda and the venue find here.

We look forward to seeing you!




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