Highlights of the Transport-NAMA Session and MRV roundtable meeting from the UNEP Regional Workshop on NAMAs

CLEANAIROn Oct 1-3 GIZ held a thematic session on Transport NAMAs in Ha Long City, Vietnam

Different types of policy instruments are needed to implement the avoid-shift-improve strategy, and NAMAs can help to overcome several barriers (Presentation)

An MRV Roadmap process has been initiated to develop guidance (Reference Document) for countries to establish an MRV system and develop a set of ‘MRV Blueprints for Transport NAMAs’ (Presentation) Continue reading

TRANSfer Indonesia: ICCTF-Bappenas Climate and Development Investment Forum

NAMA_Summit_IndonesiaThe Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) held the International Climate and Development Investment Forum 2014, on September 12th, 2014 at Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.

The Forum invited 166 representatives of national and local government of Republic of Indonesia, policy makers and project planners from multilateral and bilateral donor and development agencies, as well as representatives of private sector / industry associations. Continue reading

Participate in the Transport NAMA Survey

weltkarteFor the 2014s edition of the Transport NAMA Report, GIZ invites you to participate in our online survey on t-NAMAs. The results will be published in the report and presented during presented during COP20 and Transport Day in Lima in December 2014.

The report will be published by the Bridging the Gap Initiative (www.transport2020.org) and prepared by Benoit Lefevre (WRI/Embarq), Anne Binsted (WRI/Embarq) and the GIZ TRANSfer project team. Continue reading

Training on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions attracted 23 representatives from 7 different countries


MRV24Back to back to the International Transport Forum Summit 2014 in Leipzig, the GIZ TRANSfer project held a 2-day training course on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions from May 18-20th in Leipzig. The participants included representatives from various governmental ministries and departments, international organizations and agencies in charge of emission accounting from Costa Rica, Tunisia, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand, Peru and Indonesia.

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2nd International Expert Workshop on Progressing in MRV of Transport NAMAs

MRV2On 20 May 2014, the GIZ-run TRANSfer project organised an international expert workshop aiming to advance the understanding of the opportunities and challenges of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in NAMAs taking into account the specific needs of host countries, capabilities and data availability in the transport sector. It further aimed at fleshing out the specific tasks of the working group identified in the 1st expert group meeting Towards Roadmaps for MRV of Transport NAMAswhich took place as a side event to COP 19 and Transport Day 2013 on 15 November 2013 in Warsaw. An important output of the first workshop was to structure the thinking around the three dimensions on (a) data, (b) analysis of impacts and (c) governance.

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Training on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions


ITF - Training on Quanifying Urban Transport GHG EmissionsHow to quantify urban transport GHG emissions is the leading question of the upcoming training of the TRANSfer project in Leipzig from 18-19 May 2014. As the transport sector is one of the main GHG emitters in cities, urban transport planners and decision makers might have an interest in building mitigation strategies and quantify these. Particularly the co-benefits, such as economic prosperity, better air quality, road safety and livability are reasons for more sustainable transport. Continue reading

GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap

GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap 

GHGOfficial side event of BtG in SB40 entitled “GHG quantification in land transport: MRV in the light of minimizing the emission gap” will be held on Sunday, 15 June 2014 (13:15-14:45).

Find here more information on the event.

Leading experts will discuss on how transport can contribute to mitigation, what is the role of MRV, key challenges of MRV of transport measures, how to link transport MRV to national MRV systems, and how to use MRV to contribute to minimizing emission gaps.

The “Bridging the Gap Initiative” is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed in 2009 to encourage international recognition that land transport should play a more prominent role in adrressing climate change in the Post-2012 agreement.

For more information of “Bridging the Gap Initiative” please refer to: www.transport2020.org

Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

how NAMAs contribute to sustainable urban developmentApril 10, 2pm-4pm, World Urban Forum 7 in Medellin, Colombia, Room 11, Yellow pavilion

In a networking event, organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), experts from different countries and sectors discussed the question, how NAMAs (nationally appropriate climate change mitigation actions) contribute to sustainable urban development. Continue reading

GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

The FIRM project (Facilitating Implementation and Readiness for Mitigation) invited GIZ to share its experiences on Transport NAMAs, with focus on MRV in particular. The FIRM Country Intersection Workshop took place from 9 to 11 April 2014 in Copenhagen. On behalf of the TRANSfer project and the Mexican-German NAMA Programme, the case of the Mexican Road Freight Transport NAMA was presented by Jonas Bleckmann. Besides the developed NAMA approach and tools, he demonstrated various discrepancies in regards to MRV within this context. Continue reading