Now available: Brochure “The TRANSfer Project – About us”

About Us_ TRANSferToday’s challenges need sound and innovative responces. Read in the in the new TRANSfer booklet how we deliver. Download here.

It features what we do and how we do it and what services we can offer to you. The booklet includes examples of our products and further information.

Highlights of the Regional Workshop on Transforming Building and Transport Sectors through NAMAs, 5-7 May, Manila

IMG_4529Following the regional workshops on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMAs) in Singapore in 2013 and Vietnam in 2014, the “TRANSfer” project and the “Transport and Climate Change” project (TCC) of GIZ jointly organised with UNEP a workshop on “Transforming Building and Transport Sectors through NAMAs” held in Manila, Philippines from the 5th to 7th of May 2015. The Climate Change Commission of the Philippines hosted the event. Continue reading

15th Workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) on Market Mechanisms for Climate Action at the Urban Level

Florentino Marquez CTIThe 15th Workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) on Market Mechanisms for Climate Action at the Urban Level took place on March 7th -8th in Berlin, with various TRANSfer contributions.



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Philippines: Regional Workshop “Transforming Building and Transport Sectors through NAMAs”

IMG_0348 (3)[1]Following the regional workshops on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMAs) in Singapore in 2013 and Vietnam in 2014, the TRANSfer project and the Transport and Climate Change project (TCC) of GIZ, jointly organized with UNEP the workshop on “Transforming Building and Transport Sectors through NAMAs” held in Manila, Philippines from 5th – 7th of May 2015. The Climate Change Commission of the Philippines hosted the event. Continue reading

Now available in Indonesian: NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document

NAMA SUTRIAvailable in Indonesian language – The NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document offers a comprehensive overview of the NAMA and presents information on the mitigation measures, MRV and financing. The Ministry of Transportation Indonesia (MoT) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) prepared the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document in cooperation with the GIZ TRANSfer project.

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3rd meeting of the International MRV Expert Group in Bonn

mrv-How to refine and scale up MRV blueprints was one of the main questions during the 3rd meeting of the international MRV expert group on March 20th 2015. The MRV expert group of the TRANSfer project was established in 2014 with the aim to further the understanding of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of transport NAMAs and to support the development of MRV methodologies and MRV guidance for transport activities.

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10 principles for sustainable urban transport – now available in Spanish

20150421Based on the approach “avoid-shift-improve”, the GIZ urban mobility team has designed a vibrant info graphic on 10 principles for sustainable urban transport. The infographic is now available in Spanish! Have a look at the infographic and follow 10 principles of sustainable urban transport! Continue reading

NAMA Facility Appraisal Mission for TRANSPerú

transport-nama-peruNAMA Facility Appraisal Mission for the Support Project to the Peruvian SUT- NAMA TRANSPerú officially concluded under high-level participation.

On Monday, March 16th, after eight days of intense bilateral talks and group workshops, the expert appraisal mission for the NAMA Facility Support Project to the Sustainable Urban Transport (SUT) NAMA TRANSPerú presented its findings to the partners in an official closing event. Continue reading

Workshop: “Creating a national programme on sustainable urban transport in Peru”

Workshop PeruPeruvian cities often lack explicit national policies for sustainable urban transport and initiatives are often unable to finance themselves. In an effort to establish a new agenda for the construction and operation of an efficient public transport system, the public transport sector has therefore collaborated with the TRANSfer project. Outcomes from this partnership are envisaged to inspire a national programme on sustainable urban transport as a support tool for local governments.  Continue reading

Launch of the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document

NAMA SUTRIThe Ministry of Transportation Indonesia (MoT) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) prepared the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document in cooperation with the GIZ TRANSfer project. The NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document offers a comprehensive overview of the NAMA and presents information on the mitigation measures, MRV and financing.

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