COP 21 Side Event – Promoting Low Carbon Transport

On Monday, November 30th, the COP 21 side Event “Promoting Low Carbon Transport” will take place at the German Pavilion from 6-8 pm.

International experts, politicians and practitioners will discuss recent trends, good practices and challenges in the field of low carbon transport policies and how the level of ambition can be further raised in the transport sector.

For more information, please see the programme of the side event below:


COP21 side event Promoting Low Carbon Transport

COP21 side event Promoting Low Carbon Transport


COP 21 Side Event – Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors

On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Bridging the Gap Initiative, SLoCaT and GIZ / TRANSfer will host the side Event Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors as part of the COP21 in Paris.

During the side event, the results and conclusions of a detailed analysis of transport related elements in INDCs will be presented. As an example of voluntary commitments, the Mobilise your City Initiative of the LPAA will also be presented showing how ambition is being raised beyond the INDCs context. This will be complemented by some concrete examples and experience in planning and implementation of mitigation policies, Measures and NAMAs in the transport sector in different countries. Finally, the 365 campaign will be introduced that collects mitigation measures in the transport sector and makes information on different approaches available to the public.

Panelists will discuss with the audience success factors for effective mitigation action in the transport sector, good practices and major challenges.


For more information, please see the programme of the side event below:

Linking ambition to action

Linking Ambition to Action – BtG SLoCaT

EcoMobility World Festival 2015, Johannesburg

The ‘EcoMoblity World Festival 2015’ was one of the most unique events that have ever taken place in South Africa. The executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Councillor Parks Tau, was a proud host of the world´s second-ever ‘EcoMobility World Festival 2015’, organised by the City of Johannesburg and ICLEI. Following the first ‘EcoMobility World Festival’ in Suwon, South Korea in 2013, the month-long car-free city district festival took place during South Africa´s Transportation Month from 1 – 31 October 2015.

3The location of the festival was the central economic hub of Sandton, Johannesburg. Sandton is the second largest Central Business District in Johannesburg and is characterised by very high traffic volumes. By closing down some of the major road lanes in and around Sandton, the festival literally visualised an ecomobile future for its local residents and visitors from all over the world. The overall objective was to promote behavioral change among citizens, demonstrate future modes of mobility, and highlight the imperative for climate protection as well as the role that mobility and individual behaviour play in securing a liveable city for future Generations, among others. These were demonstrated in different ways; for example, by promoting the use of public transport such as the Rea-Vaya BRT and the Gautrain as well as other forms of accessible, safe, attractive and fossil-free mobility like walking and cycling in and out of Sandton during the entire month of October.


During the week of 5-8 October there were various forms of dialogues which were rich in content and attracted more than 500 participants from local governments, international organisations, academia and NGO from five continents. The dialogues comprised of a number of workshops and presentations given by experts which allowed an international and national exchange of knowledge and technical papers. On the 5th of October, Manfred Breithaupt from the GIZ co-hosted the Travel Demand Management workshop which described principles and strategies that imply a policy of demand management and activities to be developed with participants where hypothetical situations for their cities will be applied. The workshop touched upon strategies that seek to maximise the efficiency of urban transport systems by discouraging individual automobile use and promoting more effective, healthy and environment-friendly and non motorised modes of transport and reducing commuting journeys.

Furthermore, from 4 – 25 October, an exhibition which was organised by the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) on behalf of the City of Johannesburg formed part of the ‘EcoMobility World Festival 2015’. The exhibition offered an opportunity for both local and international entities to demonstrate and test their products with a walk-in live audience. The major purpose was to introduce the various EcoMobility alternatives to the public and business people in Sandton and to create a platform for the public to talk to the exhibiting organisations. The GIZ TRANSfer office in Pretoria was also granted an opportunity to set up an exhibition stand which attracted large numbers of visitors keen to receive information on GIZ´s activities.

8One of the substantial outcomes of the EcoMobility Dialogues was the Johannesburg Declaration on EcoMobility which was endorsed and strongly supported by experts and participants. The Johannesburg Declaration brings a strong message on EcoMobility, sustainable urban transportation and climate change to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC-COP 21) which will be held in Paris in December 2015. Moreover, “the declaration summarises multiple benefits of EcoMobility for sustainable urban development and thus sends a signal towards the negotiations for Habitat III (October 2016, Quito) to bring sustainable urban mobility into the New Urban Agenda” (Ecomobilityfestival).








TRANSfer at COP 21

Between 30th of November and 11th of Dezember this year, TRANSfer will attend the COP21 in Paris with a variety of events. Highlights include a full thematic day on transport and the NAMA fair. Please stay in touch for further updates.

The TRANSfer team is looking forward to the events at the COP and is welcoming discussions and an exchange of information on transport, Climate Change and NAMAs – feel free to attend and participate!

Please see the full timetable below:


COP21 TRANSfer Events


TRANSfer supporting of MobiliseYourCity initiative

TRANSfer is now supporting the global MobiliseYourCity initiative that supports local governments in developing countries to plan sustainable urban mobility
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Webinar: New Vehicle Fuel Economy and CO2 Emission Standard Regulations

banner-3This webinar focuses on one of the most effective tools to reduce the carbon footprint of vehicle fleets: New Vehicle Fuel Economy and CO2 Emission Standard Regulations. The presentation describes the basics aspects of FE/CO2 regulations: Continue reading

Introductory Workshop on Service Contracts in Manila

Group photo 1As part of the NAMA development process, the TRANSfer project supported the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) of the Philippines in conducting an Introductory Workshop on Service Contracts. The workshop took place in Manila on May 29 2015 and attracted 70 participants Continue reading

Animated introductory video – TRANSPerú

TRANSferWith the objective to present the Peruvian Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA “TRANSPerú” to a wider public at COP 20, the Steering Committee of the NAMA prepared an animated introductory video, explaining the NAMA’s approach. The video is available in Spanish and English language. Continue reading

Transport Tackles Climate Change – Summary and Presentations

bonnAbout 50 participants attended the side event “Transport Tackles Climate Change” on 04 June in Bonn. Five initiatives were presented that aim at strengthening the role of the transport sector in climate change policy and ensuring effective implementation of sustainable, low carbon transport in a forthcoming climate agreement at COP21. Continue reading

Transport Tackles Climate Change Thursday – Side event at the UN Climate Change Conference

INDCs are expected to become key components of a new climate change agreement, and thus Parties to the Convention must think critically about sectorial approaches. In this context, bold mitigation strategies in the transport sector will be an essential element of raising pre-2020 ambition and meeting post-2020 national targets. Continue reading