MobiliseYourCity website launched during the ITF Summit in Leipzig, Germany

MobiliseYourCityThe initiative MobiliseYourCity launched its’  Website during the International Transport Forum Summit in Leipzig, Germany (18-20 May 2016). During the 3 days of the Summit, the partners met and presented the initiative to the public and potential new Partners.

MobiliseYourCity supports cities and their national governments in developing and emerging countries to plan sustainable urban mobility in order to develop more inclusive, livable and economically efficient cities and reduce Greenhouse gas emissions. On the website, you will find information about the initiative, its objectives, the partners, documents related to mobility planning and latest news.

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Bicycle Infrastructure Guideline for Colombian Cities

portada guiaOn April 28th the Colombian Ministry of Transport published the first Bicycle Infrastructure Guideline for Colombian cities. The document will serve local leaders and technical professionals as a guide for the construction of projects which provide adequate infrastructure for cycling.

The guide was prepared by the Ministry of Transport, through the Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit and supported and revised by national and international experts, including the Colombian TRANSfer team, considering that this guide is a part of the NAMA TanDem Measures in Colombia.

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Comprehensive technical guidelines for Lima’s cycling infrastructure

fetch-UID11Even though Lima is described as having good geographic and climatic conditions for cycling, commutes by bicycle today have a mode share of mere 0.9%. The Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (MML) plans to increase this share to reach 2% by the end of 2018 and has started to carry out various initiatives and programs to promote cycling, such as car-free Sundays or awareness raising campaigns in schools and for car Drivers. Continue reading

New Guide on Data Collection for Emission Quantification in Chinese Cities

Foto NewsletterAs part of the TRANSfer project, GIZ China published the “Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Transport Activities in Chinese Cities – A Step-by-Step Guide to Data Collection”. It aims at enabling environmental authorities in Chinese cities to generate a regular emissions inventory of the transport sector. Considering local traffic situations and data availability, the guide outlines three different approaches to calculate transport activities.

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TRANSfer Compass

Transfer CompassThe TRANSfer Compass helps you to orientate yourself if you want to learn more about Transport-NAMAs. Find out about news as well as links to the handbook, the toolboox and other relevant publications.



Reference Document on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in the Transport Sector

Photo Credit: Armin Wagner

How to assess the impact of transport based mitigation efforts? Where to find good measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) practices and what requirements must be met in terms of data collection? Our recently published Reference Document on MRV in the transport sector  informs on how to develop comprehensive and consistent national systems for MRV Continue reading

Two Green Tyre Assessments: GHG Mitigation Potentials for Truck Tyres in Road Freight Transport in the EU and China

truck_chinaThe transport sector is responsible for a large share of energy consumption, which correlates with the emission of polluting greenhouse gases (GHG) and therefore indirectly with climate change. The TRANSfer projects has analysed the saving potentials of road freight transport in two studies.

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ProNAMA: best practices, challenges and future prospects

Final product cover-page-001 From late 2011 to December 2015, the Mexican-German Programme for NAMAs (ProNAMA) designed a package of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the following sectors: a) energy efficiency in the new and existing buildings, b) energy efficiency in small and medium sized enterprises (SME) and c) energy efficiency in the road freight transport sector, in addition to d) providing support for setting up a national coordination system for NAMAs in Mexico.This document compiles the main lessons learned, results and impacts of each mentioned NAMA approach, describing each context, its objectives and the technical designs. Continue reading

Invitation to Webinar on Power-based fuels (12.01.16)

“It is our pleasure to invite all interested to a Webinar on “Power-based fuels as a contribution to Climate Protection in the Transport Sector”. Markus Becker (Division IG I 5 – Environment, Traffic and Transport, Electric Mobility of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, BMU) will present the role gaseous and liquid fuels based on renewable energy can play in the process of decarbonizing the transport sector. After an input presentation by Markus Becker we will have the opportunity to discuss these current technical developments and their relevance for our work in an international context.

When:  12.01.2016, CET 10:30 (Eschborn), 17:30 (Beijing)
Details on the log-in information will be sent to you shortly before the webinar.

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Analysis of COP21 by SLoCaT


Source: slocat

“While hopes are high, the burden of expectation is higher” (representative from South Africa in the COP21 closing session).

Shortly after the end of the COP21, the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon transport (SLoCaT) has published an initial assessment of the Paris Agreement and the associated COP21 decision.

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