Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

how NAMAs contribute to sustainable urban developmentApril 10, 2pm-4pm, World Urban Forum 7 in Medellin, Colombia, Room 11, Yellow pavilion

In a networking event, organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), experts from different countries and sectors discussed the question, how NAMAs (nationally appropriate climate change mitigation actions) contribute to sustainable urban development.

In a discussion hosted by Mr. Konrad von Ritter (GIZ consultant) the panelists

• Mrs. Janet de Luna Jimenez (Directora General Adjunta, Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano (SEDATU)), Mexican Housing NAMA

• Mr. Carlosfelipe Pardo (GIZ Consultant,, Indonesian Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA

• Mr. Sithole Mbanga (CEO, South African Cities Network), South African Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings NAMA

• Mr. Johannes Frommann (Senior Advisor, GIZ), Indonesian Solid Waste Management NAMA

provided an excellent diversity of views and experience, ranging from national to local government perspective, and from more political representatives to more technical experts. The experiences from all four above mentioned BMUB funded NAMA developments show that in certain sectors, the involvement of subnational governments from municipalities, but also the intermediate level (Provinces/States) is necessary to tap the full mitigation potential. NAMA processes here can serve as learning platform for complex sector reforms. A specific range of incentives is necessary to attract cities to engage in achieving national voluntary climate targets. These range from empowering cities to raise their own fund via job creation to address and compensate risks which mayors and other political decision makers have taken to pioneer low carbon development solutions.