NAMA Facility Appraisal Mission for TRANSPerú

transport-nama-peruNAMA Facility Appraisal Mission for the Support Project to the Peruvian SUT- NAMA TRANSPerú officially concluded under high-level participation.

On Monday, March 16th, after eight days of intense bilateral talks and group workshops, the expert appraisal mission for the NAMA Facility Support Project to the Sustainable Urban Transport (SUT) NAMA TRANSPerú presented its findings to the partners in an official closing event.

The event attracted high level participation, including the Minister of Transport and Communications: José Gallardo Ku, the Minister of Environment: Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, the Vice-Minister of Transport: Henry Zaira, as well as representatives from the British and German Embassies. The high-level participation reaffirmed the great commitment and ownership, with which the Peruvian partners had been pushing forward the development of the NAMA concept, and once again underlines the general importance ascribed to the transformation of the urban transport sector towards a more sustainable development path.


The NAMA TRANSPerú aims at the transformation of the Peruvian transport sector towards a sustainable and low carbon track by implementing key structural changes. The NAMA’s backbone is a comprehensive policy matrix, which contains six areas of mitigation measures, outlining the sector transformation agenda. In order to start implementing TRANSPerú, the Peruvian Government, with the support of kfW and GIZ had applied for financing at the NAMA Facility in July 2014, and had been pre-selected together with four further NAMA concepts. The joint expert appraisal mission by kfW and GIZ took place between March, 9th and 17th, with the objective to further refine the design of the support project and adjust the policy matrix underlying the overall NAMA-concept. The submission of the final project proposal is planned for mid-June 2015. In case of a successful proposal, project start is foreseen for the third quarter of the same year.

For more information on TRANSPerú also refer to:

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