[COP23] Low Carbon Transport: G20 on Track?

November 8th, 14:30-16:00

GIZ kicks off its transport-focused events at COP23 in collaboration with the German Think Tank, Agora Verkehrsende, and the question: What is the level of ambition regarding mitigation of G20 countries in the transport sector?

The following speakers will present at the event: Jochen Flasbarth (State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety), Christian Hochfeld (Executive Director of Agora Verkehrwende) and representatives from emerging economies and civil society. 

During the event, speakers will present key drivers for transport sector performance and illustrate existing low-carbon transport targets, strategies and policies of G20 countries. The discussion will reflect how current practices influence NDC implementation and what is needed to put future NDC revisions on track to low carbon transport.

Find the event agenda here.

As this event is held in the German Pavilion within the Bonn Zone, attendance is restricted to those with the appropriate permission.

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