Launch of the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document

NAMA SUTRIThe Ministry of Transportation Indonesia (MoT) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) prepared the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document in cooperation with the GIZ TRANSfer project. The NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document offers a comprehensive overview of the NAMA and presents information on the mitigation measures, MRV and financing.

NAMA SUTRI’s centerpiece is the establishment of a national sustainable urban transport programme. A NAMA Support Project (NSP) was selected by the NAMA Facility to support the implementation of the pilot phase of the Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (NAMA SUTRI).

The NSP includes (1) the establishment of a Technical Support Unit at national level that will provide technical guidance and capacity development for local governments, and (2) the development of an effective funding mechanism to co-finance the implementation of public transport and transport demand management projects. In seven pilot cities, the NSP will develop (3) a project pipeline of eligible demonstration projects and co-finance (4) the implementation of demonstration projects in up to five cities (e.g. bus fleet investment, improvement of public transport corridors, parking management and pedestrian programmes).

In order to monitor and increase transparency of the achieved impacts, the NSP will establish (5) an MRV system that initiates systematic monitoring of urban transport development which is urgently needed for effective decision-making.





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