Invitation to Webinar on Power-based fuels (12.01.16)

“It is our pleasure to invite all interested to a Webinar on “Power-based fuels as a contribution to Climate Protection in the Transport Sector”. Markus Becker (Division IG I 5 – Environment, Traffic and Transport, Electric Mobility of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, BMU) will present the role gaseous and liquid fuels based on renewable energy can play in the process of decarbonizing the transport sector. After an input presentation by Markus Becker we will have the opportunity to discuss these current technical developments and their relevance for our work in an international context.

When:  12.01.2016, CET 10:30 (Eschborn), 17:30 (Beijing)
Details on the log-in information will be sent to you shortly before the webinar.

The German Government has set ambitious targets to reduce emissions by 80%-95% until 2050 compared to 1990 levels; a target that leaves hardly any room for burden-sharing between sectors but requires the transport sector to become carbon-neutral.  It is more and more recognized that a substantial shift to sustainable transport modes to decrease overall energy consumption of transportation is a necessary but not sufficient condition to decarbonize the transport sector sufficiently. This is especially true for the aviation industry that will still see some enormous growth and maritime transport; both will continue to rely on combustion engines and hydrocarbon based fuels. Renewable energy as the source of power-to-liquid and power-to-gas based fuels are a widely discussed option for sectors where a behavioural change seems less likely to occur and direct electrified drive systems are technologically not ready or feasible.

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