GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

The FIRM project (Facilitating Implementation and Readiness for Mitigation) invited GIZ to share its experiences on Transport NAMAs, with focus on MRV in particular. The FIRM Country Intersection Workshop took place from 9 to 11 April 2014 in Copenhagen. On behalf of the TRANSfer project and the Mexican-German NAMA Programme, the case of the Mexican Road Freight Transport NAMA was presented by Jonas Bleckmann. Besides the developed NAMA approach and tools, he demonstrated various discrepancies in regards to MRV within this context.

The participants from nine developing countries appreciated discussing a concrete example of MRV, including calculating emissions reductions. A lively discussion on the Mexican example and on MRV of Transport NAMAs in general followed the presentation.