Author Archives: Michel Arnd

CODATU XVI Conference – from the 2nd to the 5th of February 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

codatu-headerCODATU XVI conference, organised by CODATU in partnership with İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (İTÜ), will take place in Istanbul on February the 2nd to the 5th, 2015. The topic of the conference is: “Energy, climate and air quality challenges: the role of urban transport policies in developing countries and emerging economies”. Turning around climate issues linked to urban transport, the debates and presentations will make the conference a milestone on the way to COP21 in Paris in December 2015. Continue reading

TRANSfer Indonesia: ICCTF-Bappenas Climate and Development Investment Forum

NAMA_Summit_IndonesiaThe Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) held the International Climate and Development Investment Forum 2014, on September 12th, 2014 at Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.

The Forum invited 166 representatives of national and local government of Republic of Indonesia, policy makers and project planners from multilateral and bilateral donor and development agencies, as well as representatives of private sector / industry associations. Continue reading

Participate in the Transport NAMA Survey

weltkarteFor the 2014s edition of the Transport NAMA Report, GIZ invites you to participate in our online survey on t-NAMAs. The results will be published in the report and presented during presented during COP20 and Transport Day in Lima in December 2014.

The report will be published by the Bridging the Gap Initiative ( and prepared by Benoit Lefevre (WRI/Embarq), Anne Binsted (WRI/Embarq) and the GIZ TRANSfer project team. Continue reading

Training on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions attracted 23 representatives from 7 different countries


MRV24Back to back to the International Transport Forum Summit 2014 in Leipzig, the GIZ TRANSfer project held a 2-day training course on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions from May 18-20th in Leipzig. The participants included representatives from various governmental ministries and departments, international organizations and agencies in charge of emission accounting from Costa Rica, Tunisia, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand, Peru and Indonesia.

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Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

Networking Event “How NAMAs Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development”

how NAMAs contribute to sustainable urban developmentApril 10, 2pm-4pm, World Urban Forum 7 in Medellin, Colombia, Room 11, Yellow pavilion

In a networking event, organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), experts from different countries and sectors discussed the question, how NAMAs (nationally appropriate climate change mitigation actions) contribute to sustainable urban development. Continue reading

GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

GIZ Transport NAMA presentation at FIRM Country Interaction Workshop

The FIRM project (Facilitating Implementation and Readiness for Mitigation) invited GIZ to share its experiences on Transport NAMAs, with focus on MRV in particular. The FIRM Country Intersection Workshop took place from 9 to 11 April 2014 in Copenhagen. On behalf of the TRANSfer project and the Mexican-German NAMA Programme, the case of the Mexican Road Freight Transport NAMA was presented by Jonas Bleckmann. Besides the developed NAMA approach and tools, he demonstrated various discrepancies in regards to MRV within this context. Continue reading