Author Archives: Insa Eekhoff

Launch of the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document

NAMA SUTRIThe Ministry of Transportation Indonesia (MoT) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) prepared the NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document in cooperation with the GIZ TRANSfer project. The NAMA SUTRI Full Concept Document offers a comprehensive overview of the NAMA and presents information on the mitigation measures, MRV and financing.

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GIZ TRANSfer at COP 20

The GIZ TRANSfer project was involved in numerous events during COP20. Find here an overview of events, summary reports and meetings. Continue reading

TRANSfer organized side event on Climate Finance at UNFCCC COP 20

P1030143How can climate finance be used to shift traditional transport financing to low-emission, sustainable transport? How can it be used to mobilize additional financing including from the private sector for low-emission, sustainable transport? And how could climate funds such as the Green Climate Fund be structured to make them work for sustainable transport? These were the guiding questions of the side event “Green and Smart Innovations and Effective Climate Finance for Low Carbon Transport and Society”. Continue reading

Modelling GHG Emissions of Road Transport in China – New Technical Paper Published

China-Technical PaperDue to the rapid economic development in recent years, China is experiencing substantial growth in vehicle population and motorisation, which has lead to a strong increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution. In order to reduce emissions and meet the carbon emission targets, city governments and decision makers are increasingly interested in understanding the effectiveness of transportation measures.

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TRANSfer at COP 20 [UPDATE Nov 20th]

The TRANSfer project, together with its networking partners, will be busy at COP 20 promoting innovative approaches to support low carbon transport. A number events will provide opportunities to discuss the latest developments in the sector. We provide an overview of events at COP 20 with TRANSfer involvement!

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Kick-off event in Manila: First International Expert Meeting in Promoting Climate Finance for Sustainable Transport

Unbenannt2As a pre-event to ADB Transport Forum in Manila, Philippines, the interdisciplinary Expert Group on Promoting Climate Finance for Sustainable Transport held its first formal meeting.

Learn more about the interdisciplinary Expert Group, download the final report of the meeting, presentations and next steps.

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Highlights of the Transport-NAMA Session and MRV roundtable meeting from the UNEP Regional Workshop on NAMAs

CLEANAIROn Oct 1-3 GIZ held a thematic session on Transport NAMAs in Ha Long City, Vietnam

Different types of policy instruments are needed to implement the avoid-shift-improve strategy, and NAMAs can help to overcome several barriers (Presentation)

An MRV Roadmap process has been initiated to develop guidance (Reference Document) for countries to establish an MRV system and develop a set of ‘MRV Blueprints for Transport NAMAs’ (Presentation) Continue reading

2nd International Expert Workshop on Progressing in MRV of Transport NAMAs

MRV2On 20 May 2014, the GIZ-run TRANSfer project organised an international expert workshop aiming to advance the understanding of the opportunities and challenges of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in NAMAs taking into account the specific needs of host countries, capabilities and data availability in the transport sector. It further aimed at fleshing out the specific tasks of the working group identified in the 1st expert group meeting Towards Roadmaps for MRV of Transport NAMAswhich took place as a side event to COP 19 and Transport Day 2013 on 15 November 2013 in Warsaw. An important output of the first workshop was to structure the thinking around the three dimensions on (a) data, (b) analysis of impacts and (c) governance.

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Training on Quantifying Urban Transport GHG Emissions


ITF - Training on Quanifying Urban Transport GHG EmissionsHow to quantify urban transport GHG emissions is the leading question of the upcoming training of the TRANSfer project in Leipzig from 18-19 May 2014. As the transport sector is one of the main GHG emitters in cities, urban transport planners and decision makers might have an interest in building mitigation strategies and quantify these. Particularly the co-benefits, such as economic prosperity, better air quality, road safety and livability are reasons for more sustainable transport. Continue reading

GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap

GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap 

GHGOfficial side event of BtG in SB40 entitled “GHG quantification in land transport: MRV in the light of minimizing the emission gap” will be held on Sunday, 15 June 2014 (13:15-14:45).

Find here more information on the event.

Leading experts will discuss on how transport can contribute to mitigation, what is the role of MRV, key challenges of MRV of transport measures, how to link transport MRV to national MRV systems, and how to use MRV to contribute to minimizing emission gaps.

The “Bridging the Gap Initiative” is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed in 2009 to encourage international recognition that land transport should play a more prominent role in adrressing climate change in the Post-2012 agreement.

For more information of “Bridging the Gap Initiative” please refer to: