TRANSfer Indonesia: ICCTF-Bappenas Climate and Development Investment Forum

NAMA_Summit_IndonesiaThe Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) held the International Climate and Development Investment Forum 2014, on September 12th, 2014 at Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.

The Forum invited 166 representatives of national and local government of Republic of Indonesia, policy makers and project planners from multilateral and bilateral donor and development agencies, as well as representatives of private sector / industry associations. The conference aimed at matching Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) with climate finance from international donors and potential investors. Raised during discussion was the ground rationale of the Government of Indonesia to achieve the national mitigation target of 41% greenhouse gas emission reduction by 2020 compared to business-as-usual with international support.

The Forum was conducted in plenary sessions and panel discussions emphasizing on climate change projects and the role of the ICCTF, perspectives of national climate financing, and NAMA proposals, followed by three consecutive discussions of each proposal. In addition to the closed-door session, ICCTF provided an individual booth for NAMA developers to encourage interactive exchange of project ideas with potential donors.

GIZ TRANSfer assisted the Ministry of Transportation Indonesia in presenting their Sustainable Urban Transport Program (SUTRI) NAMA. Paul Chamber of UKCCU was among interested visitor to SUTRI NAMA booth.

The exhibition represented 6 NAMAs which are currently under preparation and seeking for international support:
1. Sustainable Urban Transport Program NAMA  (SUTRI NAMA) – Ministry of Transportation
2. Smart Street Lighting  Initiative NAMA (SSLI NAMA) – Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
3. Debottlenecking Project Finance for Least Cost Renewables in Indonesia, National Appropriateness Mitigation Action NAMA ( DEEP NAMA ) – Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
4. Community Forest Partnership for Wood biomass Based Energy NAMA (CFFBE NAMA) – Ministry of Forestry  and Community Leader
5. Vertically Integrated Municipal Solid Waste NAMA (VIMSWa NAMA) – Ministry of Public Work
6. Reducing CO2 and Closing The Waste Gap Encouraging Waste To Energy NAMA  (Cement NAMA) – Ministry of Industry

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