GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap

GHG Quantification in Land Transport: MRV in the Light of Minimizing the Emission Gap 

GHGOfficial side event of BtG in SB40 entitled “GHG quantification in land transport: MRV in the light of minimizing the emission gap” will be held on Sunday, 15 June 2014 (13:15-14:45).

Find here more information on the event.

Leading experts will discuss on how transport can contribute to mitigation, what is the role of MRV, key challenges of MRV of transport measures, how to link transport MRV to national MRV systems, and how to use MRV to contribute to minimizing emission gaps.

The “Bridging the Gap Initiative” is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed in 2009 to encourage international recognition that land transport should play a more prominent role in adrressing climate change in the Post-2012 agreement.

For more information of “Bridging the Gap Initiative” please refer to: