Two Green Tyre Assessments: GHG Mitigation Potentials for Truck Tyres in Road Freight Transport in the EU and China

truck_chinaThe transport sector is responsible for a large share of energy consumption, which correlates with the emission of polluting greenhouse gases (GHG) and therefore indirectly with climate change. The TRANSfer projects has analysed the saving potentials of road freight transport in two studies.

Within the scope of transport emissions, road freight transportation accounts for the largest share of total GHG emissions from transport: In China, in 2013, 14.19 million commercial trucks carried a total volume of 30.7 billion tonnes of freight with a turnover volume of 55.7 trillion ton kilometres. Moreover, these numbers keep increasing by approx. 10% annually.

Projections suggest that due to the development in e-commerce and globalisation road freight transport will continue to increase significantly in the next few years. As a consequence of these developments, a significant reduction of fuel consumption and GHG emissions resulting from road freight transport is required in order to meet climate change mitigation goals and to minimise final energy consumption.

Now, GIZ project ‘Transfer of Climate Friendly Technologies and Measures’ (TRANSfer)) with the support of IFEU Institute has analysed GHG savings potentials of efficient tyres in both, the EU and China, and has recently published two studies to support further development of low rolling resistance tyre regulations in China.

For more detailed information and data on GHG mitigation potentials read the full article and download the results here:

Link to website:

Project name and Commissioning/Funding organisation: ‘Transfer of Climate Friendly Technologies and Measures’ (TRANSfer) funded through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry of Environment (BMU)

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