COP 21 Side Event – Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors

On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Bridging the Gap Initiative, SLoCaT and GIZ / TRANSfer will host the side Event Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors as part of the COP21 in Paris.

During the side event, the results and conclusions of a detailed analysis of transport related elements in INDCs will be presented. As an example of voluntary commitments, the Mobilise your City Initiative of the LPAA will also be presented showing how ambition is being raised beyond the INDCs context. This will be complemented by some concrete examples and experience in planning and implementation of mitigation policies, Measures and NAMAs in the transport sector in different countries. Finally, the 365 campaign will be introduced that collects mitigation measures in the transport sector and makes information on different approaches available to the public.

Panelists will discuss with the audience success factors for effective mitigation action in the transport sector, good practices and major challenges.


For more information, please see the programme of the side event below:

Linking ambition to action

Linking Ambition to Action – BtG SLoCaT

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