15th Workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) on Market Mechanisms for Climate Action at the Urban Level

Florentino Marquez CTIThe 15th Workshop of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) on Market Mechanisms for Climate Action at the Urban Level took place on March 7th -8th in Berlin, with various TRANSfer contributions.



Download Concept Note Agenda 15th CTI Workshop

As part of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI), the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on an annual basis conducts a workshops on the topic of climate change mitigation in the building sector with the objective to bring together decision makers from various countries to exchange experiences and knowledge on mitigation actions and market-based Telmo de la Cruz CTIfinancing possibilities. This year’s two-day event expanded the topical focus to the city level, including the construction and buildings sector, the transport sector, and the waste and waste water treatment sector, given the increasing relevance of urban areas in international climate change mitigation actions, accounting for almost 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The workshop presented existing market mechanisms and initiatives to support climate action on the urban level and gave a platform for decision makers from emerging countries to present and discuss case studies from the three sectors. Within this context TRANSfer presented its Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA TRANSPerú as well as the activities of the TRANSfer-supported SLoCaT Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport. One of the main findings of the 2-days workshop was, without regard of the sector, data collection, as well as the establishment of baselines and the MRV systems continue to be key challenges.

A comprehensive summary, agenda and presentations of the Workshop can be downloaded from CTIs website: http://climatetech.net/events/events-update/20150522164112/

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