Workshop: “Creating a national programme on sustainable urban transport in Peru”

Workshop PeruPeruvian cities often lack explicit national policies for sustainable urban transport and initiatives are often unable to finance themselves. In an effort to establish a new agenda for the construction and operation of an efficient public transport system, the public transport sector has therefore collaborated with the TRANSfer project. Outcomes from this partnership are envisaged to inspire a national programme on sustainable urban transport as a support tool for local governments. 

As a starting point, Rodrigo Diaz, Mexico CTS EMBARQ specialist, accompanied by Dario Hidalgo, presented various international experiences from the field in a first webinar on February 13th 2015.

Complementing the webinar, on March 9th, Dario Hidalgo led a workshop in Lima to apply the concepts and international best practices to the particular conditions of Peru. The specific objectives of the workshop were:

(1) Raise awareness and train people in national policies on performance and international experiences with national programmes (i.e. Colombia, India, Brazil, etc.)

(2) Discuss the conditions and Peruvian experiences (also in other sectors) to consider options and designs for a national programme in Peru

(3) Validate and adjust the policy agenda

Both the webinar and the workshop were attended by officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Environment, the Municipality of Lima, Foundation Transitemos, Observatory Lima Como Vamos, COFIDE, the British Embassy, ​​KfW, GIZ programs and the Development Bank of Latin America CAF.

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