GIZ TRANSfer at COP 20

The GIZ TRANSfer project was involved in numerous events during COP20. Find here an overview of events, summary reports and meetings.

Transport at COP20: Despite Limited Leaps, Lima Limps

This report assesses the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru in December 2014, as viewed through the lens of sustainable transport. The report is a joint effort of the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT Partnership) and the Bridging the Gap (BtG) Initiative with GIZ TRANSfer project as one of the conducting organisations.

Download: You can access the full report here.

TRANSfer Partner Countries linking up in Lima

Representatives from five countries pioneering with GIZ in the field of transport NAMAs, joined on December 6 in Lima in order to strengthen their ties and share experience on developing and implementing their NAMAs. The participants coming from Peru, Colombia, South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam and Germany identified good practices, major challenges and relevant milestones within the course of their respective activities. As a result of the meeting, the partners agreed on a number of fields for future cooperation. These include, among others, issues related to data management and MRV, institutional arrangements, social impacts in transport reform including the upgrading, training and formalization of jobs in the transport sector, general experience with non-motorized transport and introduction of CNG.

The half-day meeting format turned out to be a useful tool for peer-learning within the new and dynamic field of transport NAMAs. Follow-up events are planned for the Bonn Conference in June and for the next COP meeting in Paris.

Annual Transport Day

The annual Transport Day at COP20 again proved to be an outstanding opportunity for the growing community of practitioners working on the issue of transport and climate change to discuss ways to move forward within this sector. This year, GIZ TRANSfer organized a breakout session on NAMAs and MRV, which was facilitated by Sudhir Sharma (UNEP DTU partnership). Panelists included representatives from countries implementing NAMAs (Indonesia, Peru), financing and donor organizations (NDF, EBRD, GIZ), and specialized consulting companies (Perspectives GmbH).

Starting point for the discussions was an analysis of the current status and trends in transport NAMA development which was based on the findings of the recently published t-NAMA report by BtG and SLoCat with support of the GIZ TRANSfer project. The panelists and the audience discussed the need to create and improve MRV methodologies in order to make them feasible and at the same time commonly accepted. The need to adequately reflect co-benefits in NAMA design has been highlighted as well as the importance of integrating NAMAs within a wider domestic framework.

Practical insights were given on the experience of the Peruvian Transport NAMA: TRANSPerĂș as well as the National experience on institutional arrangements for MRV in the context of the Indonesian transport NAMA (NAMA SUTRI), both of which were selected for support through the NAMA facility.

Further information is available here.

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